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WBFF Pro Daniel Ventura is an advocate of the 'Keto' lifestyle. In this video, Daniel takes us through making his favorite's Keto drink, more commonly known as a Bulletproof Coffee. Check out the recipe as well.


How to make Keto Coffee / Bulletproof Coffee


Okay, so today I'm going to show you how to make a keto coffee. But some of you out there may know it as a bulletproof coffee.

Now, what are the main benefits of having a keto coffee first thing in the morning? First of all, it's cognitive function. Now, the fats that I've got in front of me here are KerryGold grass-fed butter, some full fat grass-fed butter and we've also got some Lucy bee coconut oil.

And what do these do to the brain? They make the brain function at an alarmingly good rate. So after a keto coffee you will find that not only will the caffeine give you a pick-me-up, but the fats in the coffee will also help your brain function and you'll be sharp and on the ball.

Not only that, the saturated fat in the butter is good for boosting natural testosterone levels in men and women. So if you're looking to lose a bit of body fat and gain some muscle, then testosterone of course is highly important and the saturated fat in the butter will help you to achieve those natural good hormone levels.

The coconut oil is a different type of fat, it's an MCT medium chain triglyceride. Now the difference between these fats is coconut oil, when it's ingested,  can't be stored as body fat and it gets converted into energy immediately. So as you ingest it, it will go straight to the liver and get converted into energy there and then. It will help you burn calories and consequently help you burn body fat.

So the two things combined is a very good very potent fat burning and muscle building combination.

So the way to make it:

1 x heaped dessert spoon of full fat butter
1 x dessert spoon of coconut oil

Now if you like your coffee sweet, as I do, I use stevia or Truvia. Now some of you may have heard of stevia and Truvia some of you may not know.

I'm sure you've heard of aspartame and saccharine and all these other sweeteners. Now, these unfortunately aren't so good for the body, for a whole host of reasons.

Whereas stevia and Truvia are made from plant sterols, they're calorie free so you don't have to worry about the calories. But the most important thing about Truvia and stevia is that they don't have any effect on insulin levels.

So, to give you an example, if you were to eat a doughnut that would raise your insulin levels by about a 140%, whereas having stevia and Truvia in your drink is pretty much like drinking water so it has very very minimal effects on your insulin.

So anything that will boost your insulin will turn you into a fat storage machine, whereas anything that will keep your insulin levels low will keep you in fat burning mode and muscle building mode.

Now the way to make it: you can use coffee granules and hot water, but I like to use the good old coffee machine. So I've prepared myself a normal coffee as you would do with a machine. Pour it into the PROMiXX, like so. That lovely smell of coffee.

Add the butter, coconut oil and add stevia to taste. So I like mine quite sweet so I put a couple of these in.

Pop the lid on top, not that it will go everywhere, but, just in case. And let it blend. So this normally takes about thirty seconds with a PROMiXX. This is the one that I choose, especially if you're going abroad, you're going on holiday, you're working away.

This is so convenient, so efficient. And, of course, not only that once you've finished mixing it, and it looks like it's pretty much finished now, you're good to go.

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